Compliance Checklist for DPDP Bill, 2022


Your company is covered under the scope of the Bill:

  1. If your company processes Personal Data of individuals.
  2. If your company processes Personal Data in India:
  3. If the Personal Data collected is online
  4. If the Personal Data collected offline, is digitized
  5. If your company processes Personal Data outside India in relation to profiling or activity of offering goods or services to Data Principals within the territory of India.

Compliance Checklist

Consent of processing of Personal Data for all purposesAn “itemised” notice has to be given to the Data Principals which contains:
1. Description of Personal Data collected
2. Purpose of the processing of such data.
3. Details of the Grievance or Data Protections Officer   In case of children:
a. Verifiable parental consent.
b. No undertaking for tracking, monitoring or targeting
Non-Compliance– Penalty of up to Rs 200 crore 
All the applicable entities
Deemed Consent (No notice required) for specific purposesDeemed Consent can be taken in certain cases:
1. For reasonable expectation.
2. For functions of the state.
3. Processing related to employment
4. For vital interest or public interest
5. For Fair and reasonable purposes 
All the applicable entities
Implementation of security safeguardsBusinesses should implement appropriate technical and organizational measures and reasonable security safeguards.
Non-Compliance– Penalty of up to Rs 250 crore 
All the applicable entities
Personal Data BreachWhere the business suffers Personal Data Breach, a notification to be sent to:
Data Protection BoardData Principals
Non-Compliance– Penalty of up to Rs 200 crore 
All the applicable entities
Retention of the Personal DataBusinesses need to cease to retain the data of Data Principals if no longer necessary for legal or business purposes All the applicable entities
Point of contact (POC)Businesses need to publish the contact information of Data Protection Officer or a POC for managing the redressals and questions of the Data Principals. All the applicable entities

Significant Data Fiduciary (SDF)

This is yet to be notified by the government for applicable Data Fiduciaries which will be dependent on various factors:

  1. Volume and sensitivity of the data processed
  2. Risk of harm to Data Principals
  3. Impact on sovereignty and integrity of India
  4. Risk to electoral democracy
  5. Security of the State
  6. Public order

Compliance Checklist

Data Protection OfficerBusinesses need to appoint a Data Protection Officer based in India, who will be the point of contact for the grievance redressal mechanism All the applicable entities 
Non-Compliance– Penalty of up to Rs 150 crore 
Data AuditorBusinesses need to appoint an Independent Data Auditor for auditing compliance under this act All the applicable entities 
Non-Compliance– Penalty of up to Rs 150 crore 
Data Protection Impact Assessment (DPIA) and auditsBusinesses need to undertake DPIA and appropriate periodic audits   All the applicable entities 
Non-Compliance– Penalty of up to Rs 150 crore